FREE Constellation Days

Family Constellations are powerful portals that bring understanding and a fresh perspective to the big picture of our lives. Join our next online free constellation day, and if you’re new to constellations, here is an overview pdf.

If you haven’t experienced a constellation, I suggest coming for the first session of the day, where I give a short description. Then we “warm up the field” with a short individual constellation where each of us feels into the experience of receiving and representing. You can join for one or both of the sessions.

Your participation can happen in one of 3 ways:

  1. as a witness, where you watch the constellation but do not participate

  2. as a representative, where you have the option of representing a person, place, or state of mind in someone else’s constellation. Many times I have gained meaning and resolution to my own issues by representing in other people’s constellations.

  3. as the client (or seeker), who receives the constellation. If you’ve received a constellation here in the past 3 months, please allow others to have a turn.

I’ll ask the group: “If you would like to receive a constellation, please write a phrase in the chat about what you want to work on.” I will then access the wisdom of the field to choose whose constellation might be the most relevant for the group.

When:  Sundays from 9:00 am- 2:30 pm, pacific time

  • 9:00 – 11:30 am: short talk, warm the field, and the 1st constellation

  • 11:30 – 12:30 pm: break for 1 hour

  • 12:30 –2:30 pm: 2nd constellation

Where: Via Zoom

Cost: This is my gift to our community, so there is no cost to attend (to witness or represent), and no cost if you receive a constellation.

Facilitated by: Katherine Revoir

Sign up:

Upcoming dates:

  • January 26th, 2025

  • March 16th, 2025

To register: Email me and include your phone number (in the unlikely event that I need to cancel). I will send a welcome email and the Zoom link. If you want to invite guests, please send me their name and email address.

Frequently Asked Questions

    • The 6-week online constellation group, Your Life Makes Sense, takes place on Monday evenings, 6:30-8:00 pm Pacific time

    • I can facilitate a private online constellation for you.

    • In my counseling practice, I combine constellation work with relational neuroscience to guide you through whatever is blocking you from moving forward in your life.

    • I lead constellations as a small part of my 6-week online Happy Brain groups on Wednesdays, 9:00–10:45 am Pacific time. Here you can combine learning social neuroscience and constellation work to make your brain a happy place to live.

    Please Note: Family constellation work is an opportunity for personal growth and transformation. This work is not therapy and is not a substitute for therapy. If you have a sense that you would be destabilized by yourself or others speaking about difficult events, then this manner of healing may not be for you. While I hope that the process can be of use in your journey, I do not have the resources to support extreme psychological difficulties.